Rabu, 19 Desember 2018

Meaningful Dramas

I know I know.. What I post is kind of out-of-dated. It's so late to post it, but I will use common excuses "better late than never." In this post, I do general review of four dramas that stuck in my mind cause it's kind of realistic and I can relate to the point of the story, the problems that characters face. I think it is nothing to lose to learn from the story. So, let me begin..

The first drama was aired in 2016 called Dear My Friends [ 디어 마이 프렌즈 ] and it had 16 episodes. It wrote by No Hee Kyung who also wrote many hits drama. See the poster below, and realize that the cast are grannies? Yes, your eyes are fine. The casts are great and the story was marvelous. The story tells us that no matter how old are you, having friends is a must. It because as getting older, you will have more limitation physically and in some cases mentally (senile disease, like Alzheimer's). The story also tells us that being older means you will feel more loneliness when your spouse and your children is away. But it doesn't mean that you have to independent on yourself cause you always have them to lean, to share the feeling that burden, to enjoy the smile together. Being older also doesn't mean that you are mature as much as the number of the age you have. You may still doing wrong and it's not matter as long as you know, admit it by saying sorry and try to fix it. Become wiser in the old age needed you to keep the mind open. I love this drama and I like the OST of this drama that Kevin Oh sang, the title is Baby Blue. Do hear the song, and you'll love it too.

The next drama is Avengers Social Club [ 부암동 복수자들 ] that had 12 episodes and it aired circa 2017. It was adapted from web-comic. This drama really tells us that everything happens for a reason, whether lesson or blessing. As friends that came from very different background, the four characters were very open and gave their sympathy and empathy to each other. They help one another without doubts cause they believe in each other. Money won't bring you anything unless you spent it wisely.

The third drama was aired right after the Avengers Social Club ended, it called Wise Prison Life or some named it Prison Playbook [ 슬기로운 감빵생활 ]. It had 16 episode and the director of this drama is someone who directed Reply series (Reply 1997, Reply 1994, and Reply 1988). At first I was a bit doubt cause the genre is black comedy. But as I watched it, I felt why it called black comedy, and I didn't take it as a matter. Even, I enjoyed the drama so much cause it really made you laugh, yet slapped by the meaning of the story. The story is about life in prison, specifically group of people in one cell. They didn't even imagined end up there cause various crime they committed. As the maturity must comes first, together they learn about sharing and caring each other. They build friendship after many problem their friends face, and their very own matter. Like an onion layer, sensible thing comes, that we can't judge criminal just by seeing their crime but we have to see and understand that behind their action there is a story. It doesn't mean that we have to understand when someone killed, robbed or do something dangerous to another. But there is a tolerance of every action, right? And to tolerate means to understand the story behind the action.

The last drama that I recently watched in this year is My Mister [ 나의 아저씨 ] that had 16 episodes and directed by someone who directed Signal, Misaeng, Cinderella Sister, and other great dramas. The drama really tells us whatever happened in the life make what you become now. The struggles make you independent, even when you still young and actually needed guidance from grown-ups. But for how long? At some point, you'll need someone to lean on and to share the thing that you can't bear it alone. The story also tells us that when you broke a trust, it won't easy to fix. You may give forgiveness for your own sake cause holding grudge is not easy too and it is even harder.

Last words, 

Do not underestimate the meaning of friendship, cause without any friends, what will live be? Life is difficult enough, and although storm will pass anyway.., having friends beside is the best way to face when we lost in the storm, right? 

Everyone has their own past that lead them to be who they are now and who they will be in the future. So, blaming another for the difficulty or sadness that happens in our self is not fair cause we have the other options, to adapt and make it better or even make it beneficial instead. 

Maturing is a process that is happening every second in our life. No one say it is easy, but is it the meaning of maturing - life learning?   

Sabtu, 17 November 2018


Finally, me and my best friend are doing our own business, by crocheting. We already launched it and sell our product online, on instagram [chericrochet] and facebook [Chéri Crochet]. Are we doing it seriously? Yes, we do. We make some bags that our customers ordered. Go check our products peeps, ya? We don't know, you may interested in some of them. Pssstt, some of it is available and ready to deliver to you..

So, what is crochet?
  • to make clothes and other things using wool and a special needle with a hook (= curve) at one end
  • to make cloth or clothing by connecting wool or other thread into joined rows using a single needle with a hook
  • the activity of making clothes and other thing using wool and a special needle with a hook (= curve) at one end
  • clothes and other things made with crochet

I believe everyone can do crocheting, but I do too believe that not all of them having patience to do it. It requires time and concentration to make a piece of crochet-thing. I read some people commented on our product that it pricey. Guys, do it by yourself before you comments on how pricey it is. We made it by hand, not a machine. And some of them that the price is above the average, it's because of the material. We try our best to adjust, so we can sell it in appropriate price and you still are satisfied with it.

Crochet is not an out-of-dated thing cause many of them who doing it, is grannies. It may has the vibe, but you still can make it cool for your style. No matter who wear it, you may make it as a point on the style you chose. I even see some high-class designer put it on their runway too, and it is beyond cool. You may not believe me, but do research of it and you will be amazed how it influences some high class brand to incorporate crochet in their line.

Hermès Spring 2018 Ready-to-Wear 

Christopher Kane at London Fashion Week Fall 2016

Michael Kors Collection Spring Summer 2019 Runway

Loewe at Paris Fashion Week Spring 2019

Dolce & Gabbana at Milan Fashion Week Spring 2016

Ermanno Scervino at Milan Fashion Week 2018

Delpozo Spring 2016 Ready-to-Wear Fashion Show

(all pictures credit: Pinterest)

This one is extra. Me promoting our Chéri Crochet :)

Selasa, 25 September 2018

Jokes on Me

Ibuu: (scrolling timeline facebook, terus baca salah satu postingan dengan serius)
Saya: (duduk disamping ibu, scrolling explorer instagram)
Ibuu: eh, kamu mau gak kalo jadi guru?
Saya: (sebagai seorang pengguran yang udah pasrah) ya gapapa, dimana emang yang butuh?
Ibuu: (wajah serius) sekolah SDnya adek, tapi.. (jeda agak panjang) guru tahfiz..

(kemudian hening)

Saya: (NGAKAK kenceng banget)
Ibuu: (ketawa-ketawa)
Saya: (sambil cengengesan) becanda aja sih ibu.. gak ada yang lain kah?
Ibuu: (liat layar hp nya lagi) ada nih!
Saya: (excited)
Ibuu: guru olahraga, mau?
Saya: (rasanya kayak diajak berantem) *asdfghjkl*

Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

Productive Jobseeker

It's almost a year and half I'm being a job seeker and literally I'm jobless while waiting for a call from companies I applied. In the beginning of this situation, I spent my time by watch K-dramas, K-variety shows, and all the Korean thing that interesting. But, by the time I bored and really don't know what to do to kill the time and the most important thing is to keep me sane. You know, being job seeker need so much energy and mental strength.

Then, I learn knitting because turn out, mbak who works in my mom's store can do it. Well, to be honest, she on advance level. Me and my mom learn knitting to her from the basic stitches, and now alhamdulillah we can make something from it. In my mom case, she already sell her works to her friends and it's quite pricey. As all we know, it needs persistence and patient while making on it. I won't call myself a pro cause actually I still need a lot of guidance.

red flower and leaves on making




The next thing I do to make myself look busy is by gardening. Since one of my very close friend is in the same situation as I am, we share lil bit of our time by talk about flowers. We spent our time looking for flowers we interested, like roses, orchids, and any other flowers that we want to have in our garden. Even sometime we don't buy it, just ask to other friend that had the flower and willing to share it to us. Definitely, she is just too kind.

red rose - orchids

aster - orchids

rose - orchids

Captured it from my grandma yard and I don't know what this flower name. 


chrysant - star blue

chrysant - lavender

butter daisy (with bad leaves) - orchids


Minggu, 24 Juni 2018

in-depth reflections


Mumpung masih dalam suasana Syawal, saya ucapkan "Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Mohon maaf lahir batin untuk kata-kata dan tindakan yang menyinggung dan bahkan sampai menyakiti hati. Mohon saling memaafkan, ya?" 

Satu hal yang saya pelajari dari Ramadhan kali ini adalah, supaya kita menjadi manusia yang lebih baik, tepatnya supaya menjadi pribadi yang lebih bertakwa. Hal yang sudah pasti kita dengar setiap tahunnya. Namun, ini benar-benar mengena bagi saya di tahun ini. Beberapa hal mengingatkan saya untuk lebih mendekatkan diri pada Sang Khalik, meskipun belum sempurna. See, manusia memang tempatnya khilaf. Makanya, setelah dipikir-pikir dan dirasa-rasa, dosa terbesar saya justru pada Sang Illahi, karena Dia yang paling banyak saya kecewakan. Karena itu dalam doa saya selalu, "Allahummaghfir lii wa liwalidayya warhamhumaa kamaa rabbayaanii shoghiiroo," mohon ampun untuk saya dan orang tua. 

Bersyukur dan melihat segala hal dari sisi positif bukan perkara mudah, tapi juga bukan perkara sulit. Bagi saya, ini perkara kemauan dan usaha. Tidak perlu banyak dan sempurna. Cukup dengan memberi diri kita sendiri kesempatan untuk bahagia, apapun kondisi yang dihadapi. Lalu, perlukah berpura-pura bahagia? Jawaban saya, seringkali ini perlu dilakukan. Bukan untuk membohongi orang lain, tetapi justru agar menjadi manusia yang benar-benar berbahagia dan bersyukur. Perasaan kecewa, marah, and many other negative feels selalu dan akan selalu ada, saya cuma manusia biasa yang banyak khilaf. I give myself time untuk merasakan perasaan-perasaan itu, dan memberi waktu secukupnya agar tidak terjebak dalam those black hole-of-negative vibes. Perlu diingat, bahwa kita gak pernah bisa mengendalikan bagaimana hal-hal terjadi di hidup kita. TAPI! Kita selalu bisa memilih bagaimana kita bereaksi untuk hal-hal tersebut. Ternyata, buat saya, kebahagiaan itu bisa diraih kalo saya membiasakan diri untuk berbahagia. 

Masih menurut pemikiran saya yang dangkal dan perasaan saya yang suka sering labil, persoalan syukur dan bahagia ini pada akhirnya mendekatkan kita dengan Sang Illahi dan orang-orang baik disekitar kita. Untuk-Nya, gak ada alasan lain, hanya karena Dia-lah Sang Maha. Sementara, untuk manusia-manusia baik disekitar kita, kembali pada sifat manusia yang selalu mencari kenyamanan dari orang lain dengan "frekuensi" yang sama. Dan ternyata, zona bahagia dapat kita ciptakan dan diisi oleh mereka yang dapat saling memberi positive vibes..

Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

what makes you (feel) beautiful

Since beauty bloggers, make-up artists (MUA) and the the talk of lipstick colors could we hear from a far, it became an omen that "make-up and beauty" are on demand. It's not only about demand, it's about being fancied, loved, the topic that should be talked. I honestly don't know anything about make-up thing. Skin care? Well, a bit, such as facial wash since I knew how pimple and acne could be very irritating. Make-up? Totally blinded. But, as far as I see, woman  around me put make-up, except the one who had major influence on my, my mom. She doesn't put any make-up since she has allergies. As I grow up, I fascinated by it. Circa 2012 I started to get to know foundation, face powder, blush-on, and eyeliner. That's it. I didn't really know how to put it right on my face, the function, the kinds of, the type.

Today, women are more and more awakened by the need of make-up, not only how to put it on face. They find out about choosing the right one (as important as finding life partner, spouse, best friends, you named it), the formula contained, the skin tone, and so on..

A couple years ago, there's no Sephora in Indonesia. The closest one is in Singapore or Malaysia. Now, it has their outlets in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. WOW! And as the talk about lipstick getting louder, it's easier to find brands from local products to the worldwide ones. Kyle Lip Kit from Kyle Cosmetics could be an example of how can women became crazy over the colors of their own lips.

And this euphoria has an impact on me. I have a thought that "woman should take a beauty class," it's not to become make-up artist, or to put make-up on face every single time. It's about having skill to make-up their self when they couldn't make an appointment with their personal MUA and in the other side they should present their self in "appropriate" way. It doesn't have to be thick make-up and using the hard techniques. As we know that nowadays the natural make-up become a trend. Maybe 50 years ago, in Ibu Kita Kartini era, making hair bun is a skill that must have. But for now, skill to making eyebrows looks presentable is must.

Lucky me! I have friend that profession as MUA and she owns her beauty shop #womanpreneur. It really fad, I asked does she teach beauty class, since I have thought about make myself have this skill. And turned out, she does. She does it professionally, so we agreed on the cost I must paid first. Basically, for me, it's not pricey remembering her words that she wanted her students could do their own make-up. "You must can do it yourself, cause you already learn from me." Many of you may can learn from tutorials on Youtube, and bet many of you success do yours. In my case, it's doesn't work as I want. It's really different between watching on screen and learn directly, I had to many questions to ask.

Thanks to my friend, now I know how to differentiate brushes, making my own brow, and playing some colors by her guide. If I can make suggestion, I think every woman should at least have the basic capabilities to do self make-up.

by her guide

by myself, but she bit guided me too ;p

Rabu, 17 Januari 2018

without reopening wounds

I want to talk about what happened without mentioning how much it hurt. There has to be a way. To care for the wounds without reopening them. To name the pain without inviting it back into me
— Lora Mathis

These Lady

Yo, what's up? How's life? The long story short, my friend ordered a doll that's so famous named LOL Surprise. I searched t...