I’ve been using bus to back home and go to another city where I live now to study for about 4 years. I’ve met so many kinds of people there. A couple days ago I back home as usual by bus. I chose my sit first. I don’t know who will sit beside me. But i hope someone who sat beside me is a nice people. FYI, the one that I expected is someone who less talk or someone who politely much talking.
that day, someone who sat beside me is a man, middle-age man. I know because he’s almost my father ages. At first he talked nicely by asking what I’m doing now? Where is I live? But one question that made us finally chit-chat was a question where was my senior high school? I answered it honestly. Amazing! He knows much about my senior high school.
Me : anyway what are you doing sir? how do you know much about my senior high school?
He : *smiling*
He didn’t answer me... We continued our chit-chat although I feel lil’ bit unpleasant with the way he talked. He commented about the way I treat my blackberry. I don’t know what he was actually means by his words. He is kind man. He wants to pay the bus ticket, but I say “no, thank you.” what a good man! *suspicious* My feeling is getting worse when suddenly he asked my email address. I know it is private. It is my right to give it or not. I decided to not give it to him. But then he asked my phone number. I don’t know what was happening right there..
He : what is your phone number?
Me : what for? *I don’t give it to him*
In my opinion, it is strange when someone who just met asked about phone number. But maybe what he talked later is right ‘people always need the other in this live.’ Perhaps cause I don’t feel a nice feeling to him too, so I don’t give my number to him. I was really curious with his job because he knows so many things. But, again, he didn’t answer me. What so surprised me is he showed me his phone with a picture right there. That was his picture. He is wearing a blaster green cloth. He’s a soldier!
I almost reached my home when he show me his phone with a number right there..
He : this is my number, save it..
Me : *should I?*
He : then call me so I know your number
Me : NO! It’s ok.. *if I don’t have your number sir*
Once again he talked to me about ‘someone will need the other’. I hope I will never need your help sir. And I wish I don’t meet you again, anytime and anywhere.
That is not my first time met someone on the bus and asked my phone number.
One of its, is a *thinking* i think it's a nice story. I met a good man there. at first I don’t expect that I will keep contact with him until NOW and I hope it will gonna be forever…
Hey you there…
Hey you there…
source: tumblr
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